Tagalaka to name new species

Background on Lerista:

  • Lerista, commonly known as "Sliders," is a type of skink found in Australia, with approximately 90 different species identified across the continent.

Recent Discovery:

  • The Australian National University (ANU) recently contacted Tagalaka with exciting news: one of these species, found in our area and often seen in leaf litter on the ground, has not yet been named.

Invitation to Name the Species:

  • Tagalaka has been given the honor of naming this newly identified species.

Consultation with Elders:

  • We are planning to hold an Elders meeting on 3 July 2024 in Croydon. Alfred Owens will be organizing this event in the coming weeks. During the meeting, we will ask our Elders to propose a name for the species.

Your Participation:

  • We invite you to share your ideas for the name. Please discuss with our Elders and submit your suggestions by 5:00 PM on 2 July 2024.

How to Submit Your Ideas:

  • Email your idea to admin@tagalak.com by 5:00 PM, 2 July 2024.

  • Text or call our General Manager, Alfred Owens, at 0488 013 272.

Deadline for Submission to ANU:

  • The chosen name must be submitted to ANU by 31 July 2024.

We look forward to your contributions!

Lerista sp. To be named by Tagalaka. Image provided by Stephen Zozoya.

Documented sighting


APPLICATIONS CLOSED: Position Vacant: Director


New Tagalaka Research Committee