Tagalaka Native Title Consent Determination

Fed Court Name: Owens on behalf of the Tagalaka People v State of Queensland; Owens on behalf of the Tagalaka People #2 v State of QueenslandDetermined:  10 Dec 2012Method: ConsentOutcome Native title exists in parts of the …

Fed Court Name: Owens on behalf of the Tagalaka People v State of Queensland; Owens on behalf of the Tagalaka People #2 v State of Queensland

Determined:  10 Dec 2012

Method: Consent

Outcome Native title exists in parts of the determination area

Native Title

On 10 December 2012 the Federal Court of Australia made two consent determinations recognising the Tagalaka People’s native title rights over more than 20,000 square kilometres of land near Charters Towers. The area covers 469 parcels of land in the southeast Gulf region including reserves in the Croydon township and pastoral leases.

The Tagalaka People and Tagalaka People #2 native title applications were lodged in 1998 and 2001 and heard together due to their geographical proximity.

The Federal Court recognised Tagalaka People’s exclusive native title rights to possession, occupation, use and enjoyment over approximately 105 square kilometres of land within the Determination areas. Non-exclusive native title was recognised over a further 29,817 square kilometres.

The native title holders are the Tagalaka People who are descendants of the following apical ancestors:

  • Nelly Robertson (nee Grogan);

  • Edith Echo;

  • Edith Sargent;

  • Charlie Hayes (aka Short Charlie);

  • Herbie East;

  • Topsy Cane (aka Topsy Owens);

  • Jack Fortune; or

  • Left hand Charlie.

The Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation has been established as the Prescribed Body Corporate to manage the native title rights on behalf of all native title holders.

The Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation are the recognised native title body corporate who administer the land on behalf of the Tagalaka People.