APPLICATIONS CLOSED: Position Vacant: Director

How long is the position for?

The term of the director you will be replacing will finish this year. You will be a director until the AGM at the end of 2024.

How do I apply?

If you would like to nominate to be a director:

1.       Complete the Nomination to Serve as a Director form (click here)

2.       Complete the Consent to Become a Director form (click here)

3.       Provide your Director Identification Number


Where do I send my application?

Please email or send your application to or 87 Samwell Street, Croydon QLD 4871. Your application must be received by 5:00pm 7 June 2024 

Am I eligible to be a director?

Refer to the Rule Book of Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC ICN 2272, section “8.2 Eligibility to be a Director”.


What is a Director Identification Number?

It is a requirement of the Australian Government.  Directors of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations registered under the CATSI Act must apply for a director ID. If you want to become a director, or you already are one, you’ll need a director ID.


What do I need to get a Director Identification Number?

You will need a MyGov ID as well as a range of identification documents. Please review the ORIC information about how to apply for a Director ID here: Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations.


Who can help me get my Director Identification Number?

Make sure you have your supporting documents and MyGov ID details.  TAC can provide assistance:

  • Admin: email or call (07) 47456 000.

  • General Manager Alfred Owens: call 0488 013 272



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