Update to Our Board of Directors
Board Directors
We have excellent news in welcoming back to the Board our previous Chairperson and Tagalaka man who has done a lot for Tagalaka People, Edmond Busch. Please give a warm welcome to Edmond.
Consistent with the Rule Book of Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation published in March 2023, all 8 Director positions are filled (section 8.1):
Carmen Douglas, Chairperson and Director
Garry Owens, Deputy Chairperson and Director
Corrine Richardson, Treasurer and Director
Lorina Douglas, Secretary and Director
Alfred Owens, Director and General Manager
Owen Richardson, Director
Wade Richardson, Director
Edmond Busch, Director
Independent Directors
The Rule Book of Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation published in March 2023, section 8.8, states the Corporation may appoint up to two (2) Independent Directors who will be nominated by resolution of the Directors. Both positions are currently vacant and we are actively seeking to fill these positions.
Independent Director 1 - Vacant
Independent Director 2 - Vacant
Term of Current Directors
At the Annual General Meeting in November 2024 (stay tuned for exact date), the following Directors will remain for a further year of their term:
Alfred Owens
Corrine Richardson
Owen Richardson
Consistent with the Rule Book of Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation published in March 2023, section 8.6, Directors will be elected on rotation for a two-year term. The following Directors will complete their term:
Carmen Douglas
Edmond Busch
Garry Owens
Lorina Douglas
Wade Richardson
How do to apply to be a Director
Those Directors completing their term in November 2024, are free to nominate again. If you would like to nominate to be a director please ensure that you have the following complete BEFORE the Annual General Meeting:
1. Complete the Nomination to Serve as a Director form (click here)
2. Complete the Consent to Become a Director form (click here)
3. Provide your Director Identification Number